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The Gift New Testament

Truth Over Tradition

A plea for unity

1 So stand firm in our eagerly-expected Master, dear sisters and brothers, my joy and medal of honor!

2 I encourage Euodia and Syntyche to pull together as co-workers of the Master. 2 3 And yes, I’m also asking you, Synzugos, to assist them, because they contended for the good news together with me, along with Clement and the rest of our co-workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.

Final advice and gratitude

4 Always be happy because of the Master; I repeat: be happy! 5 Make your impartiality obvious to everyone; the Master is near. 6 Don’t be obsessed with anything, but in everything— with prayers and appeals with gratitude— make your requests known to God. 7 Then the peace of God, which is superior to every other state of mind, will fortify your hearts and thoughts because of Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, sisters and brothers: whatever is true, whatever is dignified, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is agreeable, whatever is well-spoken of— if there is any valor or something praiseworthy— consider these things. 9 Whatever you learned from me and accepted, whatever you heard and saw in me, that’s what you should do. And the God of Peace will be with you.

10 Now I am very happy along with the Master because your generosity toward me has finally blossomed; you’ve been inconsistent with this. 11 Not that I’m hinting that I want something from you, for I have learned how to be self-sufficient in any situation. 12 I know what it means to be poor and what it means to have more than I need. I have been initiated into the mysteries of satisfaction and hunger, excess and deprivation. 13 I am strong in everything with the One who empowers me. 14 Even so, you did well to participate in my hardship.

15 Yet you Philippians are aware that in the beginning of the good news, when I came out from Macedonia, not one Congregation participated in the collection except you alone. 16 And in Thessalonica you sent me aid more than once or twice. 17 But again, I’m not after your gift, I just want to see your “account balance” increase. 18 Now I have received it all to the point of overflowing, as well as what Epaphroditus brought from you: the fragrant aroma of a sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. 19 So my God will fill every need of yours in keeping with his glorious wealth through Christ Jesus.

Final greetings

20 Now all honor goes to our God and Father for eternity, absolutely! 21 Greet all who are set apart with Christ Jesus; the believers with me greet you. 22 May the favor of Master Jesus Christ be with your spirits.